“In 1962 I became a master of physical education and history. And then, all basketball, always basketball. The coach's job is to sell his product, his style, convincing the players to buy what he sells, his mentality, his indications. On the counterattack, you, playmaker, must stop on the free throw line and dribbling, stopping and shooting

"In America we play in playgrounds where basketball is played in its essence. We learned to play without a coach. I immediately understood - if a group plays for the team it can beat a stronger team than it does not play for the team - In Italy the players are less strong than in the 80/90 'because there are no fields where the players they can play, understand and see how something should be done together without a coach, just because they love basketball

"It was the winter between 1962 and 1963, in Varese there were the student basketball championships. My school also attended and the coach of the basketball players was Professor Nicola Messina, who also worked for Ignis. I went to cheer with a dear friend, Giancarlo Spissu. Well, we were there to make slaughter and since I was already an abundant meter taller than the others, Messina did not fail to notice me. "Hey, have you ever played basketball?" he asked me point-blank. I replied stammering a "No, I have never tried ...". Not even the time to mumble and here's the order: So, try to run. Yes, show me how you run. Keep your coat on ... "He didn't even measure me, but he wanted me to run with my coat! I did two or three times back and forth to the gym, then he issued the verdict: Okay, that's enough. Come back tomorrow afternoon with basketball shoes: you will start training immediately

“Winning with the national team is something that is priceless. For every Argentine player wearing the national team jersey is a great pride and this attachment is also transferred to the club teams, it pushes us to always give our best

"Especially in a long career like mine you cannot think that a method is always good, regardless of who you have on the team and the moment.
It is the biggest mistake.
The coach must be able to adapt to the context, the evolution
it must be

“I could have taken Sasha and told him: you only shoot when you're free. I would have forced him to think. And thinking he would lose all the badness, the killer instinct, the anger to kill the game. the main protagonist is and must be the player, so before a game my speeches last less than 10 minutes

“I have always loved the transition. I always thought - as the American coaches I used to say during the summer - that it is better to take the opponents with the slings down, when they come back after having scored a basket: that is the moment in which to try to hit them

"Basketball taught me the rhythm of life. I walk on the street with my children. In the distance I hear that noise in my veins, in my blood, in my nervous system.
I turn around.
Some boys go to the court dribbling on the street. Today I follow them and so do my former companions of many battles.
Central Park, Don Bosco, Piazza Azzarita 8. The segmented ball is a universal presence, you already have it in your hand when you see it flying towards